
Error CodeMeaningDescription
NOT_FOUNDRequested resource not found.The reasons of this is the requested resource doesn't exist in scope of requester account.
FORBIDDENRequest do not allowedDo not have an access to the requested resource in scope of booking engine (f.e. coupon, listing)
WRONG_REQUEST_PARAMETERSBad requestThe request parameters are invalid, do not allowed or missed
LISTING_CALENDAR_BLOCKEDListing calendar is blockedRequested for booking listing is not available for given dates.
MIN_NIGHT_MISMATCHReservation request didn’t pass listing min nights restrictionListing minimum nights restriction value is greater then requested reservation period
COUPON_NOT_FOUNDCoupon doesn’t existPassed to the reservation payload coupon code doesn’t exist in requester booking engine and will be removed from reservation payload. No discount applied.
COUPON_IS_DISABLEDCoupon disabledPassed to the reservation payload coupon code disabled in requester booking engine and will be removed from reservation payload. No discount applied.
COUPON_MIN_NIGHT_MISMATCHReservation request didn’t pass coupon min nights restrictionPassed to the reservation payload coupon code minimum nights restriction value is greater then requested reservation period and will be removed from reservation payload. No discount applied.
COUPON_MAXIMUM_USES_EXCEEDEDNo uses left in requested couponPassed to the reservation payload coupon no uses left and will be removed from reservation payload. No discount applied.
COUPON_EXPIRATION_DATE_EXCEEDEDCoupon expiredPassed to the reservation payload coupon expired and will be removed from reservation payload. No discount applied.
COUPON_OUT_OF_CHECKIN_RANGEReservation request didn’t pass coupon check in restrictionPassed to the reservation payload coupon code cannot
be applied because requested reservation checkin date is out of coupon checkin restriction. The coupon will be removed from reservation payload. No discount applied.
COUPON_UNEXPECTED_ERRORUnexpected errorUnexpected error happened while coupon validation process was running. No discount applied.

Error JSON

The applicative validations and errors are returned with 400 (Bad Request) HTTP response code accompanied with the following error structure:

Request validation error response structure:

  "message":"Request didn't pass validation",
  "data": {
  	"errors": [
    	"\"minOccupancy\" must be greater than 0",
      "\"forbiddenParameter\" is not allowed"

Request error response structure:

  "message":"Failed to create reservation",
  "data": {
  	"errors": [
    "requestId": "7a63a0ef7470520b"

Any issues with unexpected API response which have requestId and raised to the Guesty support team should have attached requestId